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How To Stay Healthy In Summers By Peter Salzano

Summer is here and during this season health is the first and foremost concern for many. Peter Salzano has experience in hair, skin and health nourishment and has got some insights for people who have less time to take care of themselves.

Here are a few tips that he would like to share:

1) Make Water Bottle your BFF

Summers are easy if your body is hydrated, drinking water is the best and easy way of maintaining the optimal water level in your body. As per experts drinking 8 to 12 glasses of will be beneficial.

So say hello to water and bye to your cold drinks!

2) Your skin demands nourishment in Summers

The hot summers are harsh to your skin so carry your moisturizer and apply it to your skin regularly. Take good care of your scalp by covering it with a hat or scarf to avoid direct sun. Sunscreen with SPF 30 to 50 is advised.

3) Cool! its the new summer code

Keep your body cool by avoiding the sun, stay in shaded places and take cool showers which will help to cool down the body temperature.

4) Don't Break the Breakfast routine

Breakfast is important as it boosts energy and reduces the risk of dehydration. Proper breakfast with green vegetables as it has high water content and helps in keeping the body hydrated.

5) Exercise and sweat

Don't stop your exercise as its hot outside. Shift your exercise routine indoors. Join a gym, do Yoga, or dance session with some buddies at home will also do the trick.

6) Summers and illness

Summers comes with some illness like the common cold, viral infection and sore throats due to heat and dust. Keep a cold balm with you which contains ingredients like turpentine oil, camphor oil,  nutmeg oil, and mint extracts as they are helpful.  

Peter Salzano feels summers is the most beautiful season of all, it's just the heat that kills the excitement. So follow these little steps for health care and enjoy your summer fit body.


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